Shallow Focus of Sprout

Uncertainty of life

Life is like a rollercoaster ride, full of twists and turns, ups and downs. It’s the uncertainty that keeps us on our toes, making each day an adventure.

Life is very uncertain if you’ll ask me to come to university daily got me thinking how random my life is. I go along different roads daily and notice different buildings. I meet new people daily and forget them. The cars and the drivers, the teachers and the colleagues; still, I remember no one permanently. The people that I once considered important are all forgotten now.

This is how uncertain life is. I might be here writing today and you might be sitting somewhere reading it but will you ever remember me. No, as no one should. Life might end today and think about all the people whose life ended today. This makes life very important, and some people are depressed and sick and that makes life harsh and unlivable. Thus everyday new things matter and shape us and somehow make us who we are as a person and an individual and as a friend, as a brother, father and more importantly as a man.

Thus, this randomness makes life worth living and brings colors to our dull life. This satisfies our curiosity and never-ending quest for knowledge and makes it worth living. This uncertainty is actually the core of our life. We never know what’s waiting around the corner, and that’s what makes life exciting. Embracing the uncertainty allows us to grow, learn, and discover new things about ourselves and the world around us.


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